Bavuyise Mtana Aims to Make Maths Learning Fun

Bavuyise Mtana joins global organization HeyMath! to change the face of maths in SA

Former TEACH Ambassador Bavuyise started a new role as a support coordinator at HeyMath! on the first of October.After two years and nine months as a TEACH Ambassador Bavuyise received an email from TEACH recommending upcoming roles at HeyMath! Hey Math! is a proven method that makes Math easy and enjoyable for every student.

He immediately researched the organisation and after seeing the groundbreaking work they’re doing across a global network he decided to apply. The application process was a competitive one, taking almost 5 months, but one which he came out triumphant- thanks to his mathematics degree and the experiences he’d gained with TEACH over the previous two years.He has only been at the organisation for a week, in which time he’s been through his induction and met his fellow HeyMath! Colleagues however he already feels excited about sinking his teeth into his new roll and is keen to work hard in helping HeyMath! benefit kids in South Africa. He believes that “kids have an ingrained belief that Maths is boring, but if you can teach the subject in an interesting way they can learn to love it. If they learn to love it then improvements happen naturally. Being proficient at maths can be life changing”.

His final months as a TEACH Ambassador provided some extra inspiration to excel in his new role and improve mathematics in schools. Bavuyise’s students were extremely sad to see him leave. As he left he promised that as long as he was involved in education he would make it his mission to change lives like theirs. He told them that they must remember the goals they had outlined in their lessons and and take personal responsibility to achieve them.Although currently fully focused on his new role, further down the line Bavuyise would be interested in moving back into teaching and one day become a Head Of Department (HOD). “Some HOD’s are unapproachable to ordinary students and don’t understand what happens in the classroom from day to day. In the future I would like to be in a position to connect the dots, from the top. This type of relationship with students and good teaching would inspire them to improve in their subjects and change their lives for the better.

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