Gift Us

Donate via EFT

Banking Details for EFT Donation

Bank: First National Bank
Account No: 63042711267
Branch Code: 250655
Account Holder: Teachers Education and Curriculem Help
Reference: e.g “Donation Mpho Ngomane” or ” Donation Helping Hands” 

We appreciate your support and would love to say thank you.
Please write your name or the name of your organisation in the reference as shown above to let us know.

Each gift makes a world of difference.

Teacher Training and Support

Providing ongoing professional development and resources for teachers can significantly enhance their teaching methodologies, positively affecting student engagement and learning outcomes.

Supplementary Education Resources

Donations directed at providing supplementary educational resources, including textbooks, learning materials, and access to online educational tools, directly aid students in their studies, improving their academic performance.

Access to Technology

Ensuring access to technology resources like laptops, tablets, and internet connectivity allows students to engage with digital learning materials, conduct research, and develop digital literacy skills, which are increasingly crucial in modern education.