Legacy Project by Mr Selowa and Nonyana

Legacy Project ScieMa by Mr Selowa and Mr Nonyana

As agents of change, we pride ourselves in our ability to help positively influence and shift the societies that we are rooted in. These changes create sustainable solutions to problems that we encounter on our mission to provide quality education for all.

An astounding example of this ethos is Mr Freddy Selowa, who is placed as a TEACH Ambassador at Raeleng Secondary School in Limpopo. Mr Selowa teaches Physical Sciences and Mathematics to Grade 10 and 11 learners. During his first years in teaching, Mr Selowa recognised the capabilities of his learners and devised a plan with another fellow TEACH Ambassador Mr Nonyana to nurture their learners for success in all their subjects.

It is said that it is in how we look at issues that can help solve half of the problem. Mr Selowa saw how his learners were challenged by Physical Sciences and Mathematics, although they had the potential to exceed all expectations when nurtured early on and given educational support throughout their high school years.

He saw this as an opportunity to provide his expertise as an educator to create a structured afterschool programme that is holistic, involving all the teachers in the school and their parents. The programme is called ScieMa which stands for Physical Science and Mathematics and is aimed at grade 10 and 11 learners. This programme would offer a unique and wholesome educational experience for every learner, focusing on progress which is evaluated through term reports.

Parents’ involvement is integral to the programme as research has shown that when parents understand their child’s needs in the classroom they are better equipped to provide the necessary support to ensure success. Overall, parental support of the learner’s education increases confidence and encourages positive behaviour in them, ensuring higher grades, and improved results which also boosts teacher morale.

To parents, ScieMa offers an affordable and accessible option to support at R35 a session, while other options range between R150 to R200 per session. ScieMa gives the benefits of extra attention paid to the learners’ overall success, not only focused on one subject. ScieMa sessions occur two times a week and education material is provided to the learners.

Mr Selowa goes on to state that, “As educators, they have a moral obligation to ensure that the foundations of these subjects are strong, and learners’ strengths must be identified early on in their education”.

Ideally, educators should begin early focusing on learners’ ability to grasp the basic foundations of these subjects from Grade 8 and 9 and be motivated to venture into subjects of their strengths. Ultimately, in order to achieve success, learners need to be better equipped.

The programme has been a success and continues to provide good results. Mr Selowa and Mr Nonyana have ensured that the programme is sustainable, but support through sponsorships would assist in making this a reality and inspire other educators to use the programme outline to nurture young minds for success.

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